A fibroid is a very common, non-cancerous tumor that develops in the uterus. They can be tiny or very large and are likely to be multiple. They consist of fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle cells. Fibroids often develop without causing symptoms or requiring treatment. However, in rare cases, a uterine tumor thought to be a fibroid actually turns out to be cancerous. In these cases, immediate treatment is needed.
Do fibroids cause symptoms?
It is very common for fibroids to cause no symptoms at all. But large fibroids, or a large number of fibroids, can cause symptoms. Small fibroids can also cause symptoms if they are located in the uterine cavity. Symptoms may include:
- bleeding between periods
- heavy periods
- long period length
- abdominal bloating
- lower back pain
- pelvic pain
- frequent urination
- pain during sex
Cancerous tumors in the uterus can also cause these same symptoms. Often (though not always), the main difference between cancerous tumors and fibroids is that they look different on imaging tests.
When should you seek emergency treatment?
Fibroids can develop into a medical emergency. This is very rare, but possible. Fibroids can cause severe and rapid blood loss. If you experience heavy bleeding, it is important to seek emergency medical attention.
What causes fibroids and who is at risk for them?
The exact cause of fibroids is not known. But researchers have noticed that they often show heredity. It is very possible that there is a genetic predisposition but researchers do not know for sure what it is. There are, however, several known risk factors. These factors make it more likely that you will develop fibroids in your lifetime. They include:
- Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of fibroids.
- Age: Until menopause, the risk of fibroids increases as you get older. After menopause, your risk decreases.
- Family history: You are more likely to develop fibroids if a family member has had fibroids. If your mother had fibroids, your risk is 3 times higher than average.
How are fibroids diagnosed?
Asymptomatic fibroids may be detected during a routine examination. They can often be felt under the skin as a hard lump when a doctor performs a pelvic exam. They may also be discovered during an imaging test for another condition. If you go to your doctor with symptoms, or if your doctor suspects fibroids after a physical exam, he or she will perform a pelvic ultrasound. During a pelvic ultrasound, an ultrasound head is placed in the abdomen or inside the vagina so that clear images of the pelvic area can be created. In some cases, you may also be advised to have an MRI. An MRI can produce detailed images of the exact size and number of fibroids. It is also a good way to distinguish fibroids from other similar conditions, such as adenomyosis. Usually, these tests are enough to diagnose fibroids. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to distinguish cancerous tumors from fibroids because cancerous tumors usually have other imaging features.
Fibroids vs. uterine sarcoma
Uterine sarcoma is a rare cancer that develops in the muscle of the uterus. It can cause symptoms similar to fibroids or other cancerous tumors, but it is a completely different type of cancer. Only surgical removal and histological examination can tell us for sure what it is. If cancer is found, you will likely have major surgery. You will discuss with our medical team the surgical treatment that will most effectively treat the condition, while, if possible and desired, you will preserve your fertility options. You may then need to have chemotherapy or radiation to destroy any remaining cancer cells.
How are fibroids treated?
Treatment for fibroids depends on several factors. In a large percentage of cases, no treatment is required at all. It is generally believed that fibroids do not become cancerous and most fibroids do not cause symptoms. In addition, fibroids may stop growing and may even shrink as menopause approaches due to the reduced release of estrogen and progesterone. But this is not always the case. For these reasons, doctors may recommend monitoring as the treatment plan for fibroids. This means your doctor will monitor fibroids through future imaging tests. You will also be asked to report any new symptoms.
Conversely, if your doctor suspects that you have a sarcoma rather than a fibroid, you will have surgery to remove it. The exact type of surgery will depend on the size and location of the tumor. You and your doctor may discuss ways to preserve fertility. After surgery, you may need chemotherapy and radiation to remove any remaining cancer cells.
In some cases, however, fibroids require treatment. This usually includes fibroids that:
- they are big
- cause symptoms
- they develop rapidly
- they are numerous
Some treatment options in these cases include:
→ Drugs to shrink fibroids: Drugs that shrink fibroids such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists.
→Contraceptive medications: Oral contraceptive medication does not shrink fibroids, but it can stop menstrual bleeding. Your doctor may recommend it to manage symptoms.
→ Pain medications: Your doctor may recommend medications to manage pain. They may recommend an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
→ Fibroidectomy : Fibroidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove fibroids. There are a few different surgical options for this, including removal through laparoscopic or even robotic surgery, through hysteroscopy, or through a classic incision in an abdominal procedure.
What is the prognosis for a woman with fibroids?
Fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) tumors. Most fibroids do not cause symptoms, do not require treatment, and are not a serious health problem. Even when fibroids cause symptoms, they can usually be treated and treated with non-invasive treatments or surgery.
Frequently asked questions about fibroids
Are fibroids dangerous?
Fibroids are not dangerous. In very rare cases, fibroids can be dangerous if they bleed or are very large and press on other organs in the pelvis. But this is not a common phenomenon. It is also possible that symptoms of fibroids, such as heavy menstruation, can lead to additional complications such as anemia. If fibroids are causing additional symptoms, a specialist can help you manage them.
Can fibroids harm my pregnancy?
Most women do not experience any harmful effects from fibroids during their pregnancy. However, some studies found that 10% to 30% of people with uterine fibroids develop have chances of experiencing some complications during pregnancy. According to this study, the most common complication is pain, particularly in women who have fibroids larger than 5 cm. Fibroids may also increase your risk for conditions such as: fetal growth restriction, placental abruption, premature birth, cesarean. If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor about fibroids. Your doctor will take into account the number of fibroids you have, along with their size and location, to determine the best course of action.
Can fibroids affect my chances of getting pregnant?
There is no proven link between fibroids and infertility, but some studies have shown that there may be a link when they project into the uterine cavity (endometrium).
Is there anything you can do to prevent fibroids?
Researchers don't know what causes fibroids, so there's no way to say for sure what can prevent them. However, we do know what increases the risk for fibroids. Avoiding these risk factors will not prevent fibroids, but may reduce the risk. Steps you can take include: maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and quitting smoking.
in conclusion
Fibroids are a common, benign (non-cancerous) type of tumor that develops in the uterus. Most fibroids do not cause symptoms and do not require treatment. Although it is not possible for fibroids to become cancerous, a very small percentage of tumors that initially appear to be fibroids are actually cancerous. These tumors must be removed quickly before the cancer spreads.